ProjectWise Explorer Help

User Properties Dialog > Settings Tab

The user will only see the settings that the administrator has allowed them to see.

All possible user settings, arranged in categories, are documented here. Each category can be expanded to display its settings. If an icon appears to the left of a setting, that generally means the setting can be expanded to display suboptions.

Working Directory

When using ProjectWise Explorer

Lets you change the location of your ProjectWise Explorer working directory. After you change the working directory, the next time you check out or copy out a document, it will go to the new working directory. The default location, unless changed by your administrator, is: %LocalAppData%\Bentley\ProjectWise\WorkingDir\$DATASOURCE.NAME$\$USER.NAME$

Node identifier Used to define the node name that will be used when the user checks out documents from ProjectWise Explorer.
  • Use the user's host computer name or user name - This option is selected by default, and there are two values you can choose from: $HOSTNAME$ or $USERNAME$. When $HOSTNAME$ is set, the user's host computer name will be recorded as the node name when the user checks out documents from ProjectWise Explorer. This is the same behavior as in previous versions, before the Node identifier setting was introduced. When $USERNAME$ is set, the user’s user name will be recorded as the node name when the user checks out documents from ProjectWise Explorer.
  • Use a global unique identifier (GUID) - Use this option to generate a random global unique identifier (GUID) to be used as the node name. To use this option, select Use a global unique identifier (GUID), then in the Unique Node ID dialog that opens, click Generate New ID and click OK.
  • Use a logical name - Use this option to enter a logical name to be used as the node name. To use this option, select Use a logical name, then in the Unique Node ID dialog that opens, enter a name for the node (for example, Bob's Computer) and click OK.
Note: When a user’s working directory node identifier is configured to use a logical name or a GUID, that user must not use multiple computers to work with documents in ProjectWise.


Credential expiration policy This setting lets administrators control when a client's or service's connection to the ProjectWise Integration Server expires. If the user setting, Can change General settings, is also on, then the user will be able to change their default setting for this item after they log in to a datasource in ProjectWise Explorer. Options are:
  • Server default - If set, then once the user logs in to ProjectWise, the time limit in which the user's connection will expire is controlled by the UserLoginTokenTimeout setting in the DMSKRNL.CFG file on the ProjectWise Integration Server computer.
  • No expiration - If set, then once the user logs in, the user's connection does not expire until the user logs out. This option is intended for service accounts, so that the service using this account can log in, perform the work it needs to perform without being disconnected, and log out when finished.
  • Custom value - Selecting this option prompts you to enter a time limit, in hours, in which the user's connection will expire, once logged in. If you select Custom value but do not enter a time limit, the setting will automatically be set to No expiration when you click OK.

To change the default setting, double-click Credential expiration policy to display the default setting below it. Double-click the default setting. In the dialog that opens, select an option from the list. If you select Custom value, then also specify a time limit in the hours field. When finished, click OK.

Use access control When on, a user's access privileges to folders, work areas, and documents are based on the object’s current access control settings. The access control can be in the form of Workflow, Folder or Document Security. When off, access control is not used and the user has full access privileges to all folders and documents in the datasource.
Note: It is recommended that Use access control is turned on for the majority of users, and that Can change General settings is only turned on for users with full administrative access rights.
Note: Turning off this setting adds two tabs (Folder\Work Area Security and Document Security) to the Create Folder dialog in ProjectWise Explorer. These tabs normally only display on the Folder Properties dialog after a folder is created.
Can access Deleted Items folder If on, the user can see and use the Deleted Items folder, if the administrator has made the Deleted Items folder available in the datasource.
Apply Login Control Rules Used with the datasource settings for User Login Controls. When the user login control datasource settings are set, you can turn this setting on for each user that you want the datasource settings to apply to.
Enable as Service Account Turn this setting on if you want to designate a particular account as a service account. A service account is one that is intended only to be used by a service, such as Automated File Processing (full text indexing, thumbnail image extraction, file properties extraction), and therefore does not need a license.

User Interface

Can edit sets When on, the user can add documents to or remove documents from existing flat document sets.
Can edit versions When on, the Edit button displays in the New Document Version dialog, enabling the user either to change a previous version to become the active document or to delete a previous version.
Show dialog on error If on, an error message dialog automatically displays whenever ProjectWise encounters an error. If off, an information button displays on ProjectWise Explorer's status bar, which you can then click to display the error message dialog.
Show progress indicator during file transfers If on, the progress of the file transfer is displayed to the user whenever documents are being moved or copied out.
Show Select Reference Documents dialog When on, and the user opens the master document of a logical set, a dialog opens from which the user can select which references in the set to either check out or copy out along with the master file. When off, all references are automatically copied out along with the master file.
Show Local Document Organizer on log out This setting controls whether or not the Local Document Organizer dialog opens when a user logs out of a datasource, if that user happens to have documents currently checked out.
  • Do not show - If set, Local Document Organizer will not open when you log out of a datasource, whether you are in ProjectWise Explorer or an integrated application.
  • Show always - If set, Local Document Organizer will always open when you log out of a datasource, whether you are in ProjectWise Explorer or an integrated application.
  • Show in ProjectWise Explorer only - If set, Local Document Organizer will only open when you log out of a datasource from ProjectWise Explorer.
Show descriptions instead of names When on, and if a description exists for an item, the description of the item displays in the interface in place of the item’s name.
Use URN links When on, dragging a document or folder from ProjectWise Explorer onto the desktop creates a shortcut using a URN (Uniform Resource Name) link. URN links locate the item in the datasource using the item's GUID. When this setting is off, dragging a document or folder from ProjectWise Explorer onto the desktop creates a shortcut using a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) link. URL links locate the item using the item's datasource path. (This setting does not affect links created as the result of using Document > Send To > Mail Recipient As Link; those links are always URN links, regardless of this setting. )
Select last used folder in ProjectWise Explorer When on, logging in to a datasource in ProjectWise Explorer opens the datasource to the folder which was active when the user last logged out of the datasource.
Show file properties When on, the File Properties tab displays on the Document Properties dialog. This tab shows the properties of the file contained by the selected document.
Show document thumbnail in preview pane When on, extracted thumbnail images display on the Preview Pane when a document is selected in ProjectWise Explorer, and also in integrated applications' document selection dialogs. When the selected document's file does not have a thumbnail image, a default image will display in its place. Thumbnail images are generated by your administrator.
Show full text search When on, the Full Text tab displays when the user opens the Search by Form dialog, and is used to search the datasource for documents containing the specified text.
Document Properties - Attribute Tabs > Confirm when saving changes When off, the user is not prompted to save any changes made to the attribute pages; all changes made are automatically saved. When on, the user is prompted to save any changes made to an attribute page upon closing it.
Document Properties - Attribute Tabs > Open last viewed tab When on, the Document Properties dialog opens to the tab last active when the dialog was last closed. When off, the Document Properties dialog always opens to the General tab.
Document Search > Open Attributes tab first When on, the Attributes tab displays when the user opens the Search by Form dialog. When off, the Search by Form dialog always opens to the General tab.


This category only displays when viewing user settings in ProjectWise Administrator.

Can change Administrative settings This setting lets you, the administrator, decide which other administrators can or cannot change their own settings under this category. You will only see this setting when viewing other users’ user settings; you will never see this option under your own user settings. When this setting is on for the administrator who is currently logged in to ProjectWise Administrator, that administrator will have permission to modify the settings in this Administrative category. When off, they can see the rest of the settings in this category, but cannot modify any of these settings.
Enable as delegate user

When you, the administrator, have this setting turned on, and you are configuring Automated File Processing, this setting lets you select the user that Automated File Processing will use, without having to enter that user's login credentials.

Enable group and user list ownership This setting must be on, in order for the user to be made an owner of a group or user list. A user must be an owner of a group or user list, in order to manage the membership or ownership of that group or user list in the User / Group Management dialog in ProjectWise Explorer. The only requirement for managing the membership or ownership of groups or user lists in ProjectWise Administrator, is that the user is a member of the Administrator group, or is a member of the Restricted Administrator group with access to the Groups datasource node (to manage groups) or the User Lists datasource node (to manage user lists).
Show Access Control tab in preview pane If this setting is on, and the related datasource setting Miscellaneous > Display Access Control tab in Preview Pane is also on, then the Access Control tab displays in the user's Preview Pane. If either this user setting or the related datasource setting is off, then the Access Control tab will not display in the user's Preview Pane.
Datasource - Can use Recycle Bin
Storage These settings control whether or not the administrator can manage storage areas. (The administrator must be a member of the Administrator group, or a member of the Restricted Administrator group with access to the Storage areas datasource node.)
  • Can create - When on, the user can create storage areas for the datasource.
  • Can delete - When on, the user can delete storage areas in the datasource.
  • Can modify - When on, the user can modify properties of the storage areas in the datasource.
  • Show all properties - When on, the user can see all properties of all storage areas in the datasource. When off, the user is prevented from seeing the location of storage areas as well as disk usage information, and can only see the name and description of storage areas.
Licensing and entitlement These settings control who is responsible for license, entitlement, utilization and any associated costs with respect to accessing the datasource.
  • User provides license - (Default) When on, each organization is responsible for the licensing costs incurred by their users on this datasource.
  • Datasource owner provides license - When on, the organization that owns this datasource is responsible for all of the licensing costs incurred by all organizations using this datasource.
    Note: If this setting is enabled but the organization has not been assigned as the owner organization for the datasource, ProjectWise Explorer users will not be able to log in and a warning message will appear when the Administrator logs in to the ProjectWise datasource. To assign an owner organization, see "To Set the Owner Organization for a Datasource" in ProjectWise Administrator Help.

Network Transfer

Note: In order for any of the Network Transfer settings below to work for an individual user, the respective datasource setting must also be turned on under the Network category on the Settings tab of the Datasource Properties dialog.
Enable Delta File Transfer Delta file transfer improves performance when sending large files over networks with high latency / low bandwidth connections, by only sending the changes needed to update the file, rather than the entire file. Turning this user setting on enables delta file transfer for this user. For delta file transfer to work for this user, you also need to enable the datasource settings of the same name, which enables delta file transfer for all ProjectWise Explorer clients connected to this datasource.
Compress client/server request data Data compression improves performance over networks with high latency / low bandwidth connections by compressing the data that is being sent to or retrieved from the ProjectWise database. The data is then decompressed when it reaches its destination. Performance improvements will be most noticeable with large amounts of data (for example, thousands of documents in a folder) across high latency / low bandwidth connections. Turning on this user setting enables data compression for this user. For data compression to work, the datasource setting of the same name must also be turned on, which enables data compression for all ProjectWise Explorer and Administrator clients connected to this datasource.
Enable file transfer connection sharing Allows a single connection to be used, for use when multiple files are being transferred to or from the storage area server as part of the same transaction, as initiated by a ProjectWise Explorer user. When this setting is on (the default), then only one connection is opened and used to transfer all the files being uploaded or downloaded in a given transaction. When this setting is off, a new connection is opened to transfer each file in a given transaction. This setting is recommended and may greatly reduce the time required to perform multi-file operations, such as when ProjectWise Explorer users upload many files as part of an initial import, or when they check out a master document that has many references and/or many managed workspace files associated to it. (Users who only check out one file at a time with no attachments will probably not notice any performance benefits from this user setting.)


Can create When on, the user can create documents, and also move and copy documents to other folders. When off, the user cannot create documents, nor move or copy documents to other folders. Turning this setting off also turns off the setting, Can create version.
Can create version When on, the user can create new versions of documents.
Can modify When on, the user can modify documents and their attributes. When off, all documents become read-only to the user, regardless of the user's read/write privileges, and the user can neither modify nor delete documents.
Can delete When Can delete and Can modify are both on, the user can delete documents. When Can delete is on but Can modify is off, or when Can delete is off, the user cannot delete documents. Also when Can delete is off, the user cannot move documents to other folders.
Can free When on, the user can free documents they have checked out or exported.
Tip: If this setting is on, and the Free permission is also turned on for a particular document, then the user can also free that document if it is checked out or exported by another user.
Can set final status When this setting is on, and the user also has the their Change Workflow State permission turned on for a particular document, then the user can set final status for that document. Typically you set final status for a document when the document has reached the last state in the workflow, and you want to prevent anyone, regardless of permissions, from further modifying the document. Documents in final status are read-only, and the final status icon displays next to them.
Can remove final status When this setting is on, and the user also has the their Change Workflow State permission turned on for a particular document, then the user can remove final status for a document.
Can change state When this setting is on, and the user also has the their Change Workflow State permission turned on for a particular document, then the user can change the workflow state of that document.
Use local recycle bin on free When on, and when Leave local copy on free is off, the local copy of the document is sent to the recycle bin when the document is freed. Note that the user only has access to the Recycle Bin of the user they are logged in as.
Leave local copy on check in When on, the copy of the document in the user's working directory is retained when check in is performed from either ProjectWise Explorer, or from an integrated application. When a user checks in a document from the Local Document Organizer dialog, the action the user selects in the Local Document Organizer dialog overrides the setting here for Leave local copy on check in.
Leave local copy on free When on, the copy of the document in the user's working directory is retained when the document is freed by selecting Document > Free in ProjectWise Explorer. When a user frees a document from the Local Document Organizer dialog, the action the user selects in the Local Document Organizer dialog overrides the setting here for Leave local copy on free.
Use up to date local copy on check out When on, the local document copy is used when check out is performed, instead of retrieving it from the server. If the local document does not exist or has been updated to the server, it is retrieved from the file storage server. When off, the document is always retrieved from the server, even if a local copy exists.
Use up to date local copy on copy out When on, the local document copy is used when copy out is performed, instead of retrieving it from the server. If the local document does not exist or has been updated to the server, it is retrieved from the file storage server. When off, the document is always retrieved from the server, even if a local copy exists.
Use captive environment When on, any integrated application this user works in will operate in a captive environment, meaning the user will not be able to save documents to or open documents from the local file system. They are "captive" to working in the ProjectWise environment. Therefore when this setting is on, cancelling the ProjectWise dialog in the integrated application will not open the application's native dialog, as it normally would.

Document List

Show subfolders If on, and a folder is selected in the datasource list, the folder's subfolders are displayed in the document list.
Double click action Defines what happens when the user double-clicks a document in ProjectWise Explorer. To set the action, double-click on the default action icon, select the required action from the Select Command dialog, then click OK. Possible actions:
  • < Default > - Checks out (if possible) and opens the selected document in its associated application. (same as Open)
  • Check Out - Checks out the selected document, but does not open it.
  • Copy out to folder - Do not use this setting; it is currently disabled.
  • Export to folder - Opens the Document Export Wizard.
  • Modify - Opens the Document Properties dialog.
  • New Version - Opens the New Document Version dialog.
  • Open - Checks out (if possible) and opens the selected document in its associated application.
  • Open as read-only - Opens the document as read-only in its associated application, without checking it out.
  • Open with - Opens the Open Document With dialog, to select which application will open the document.
  • View - Opens the document for viewing in the designated viewing application, without checking it out.
Refresh display Sets when the application window is refreshed. Options are:
  • By Command - If on, this option disables the automatic refresh of ProjectWise windows, and the user must manually refresh the application window by selecting View > Refresh. This option may be useful when working with a large database, as removing automatic refresh results in a faster response.
  • After Operation - If on, the application window automatically refreshes after the entire operation on the documents is complete. For example, if the user checks out a number of documents, their status and icon only changes in the document list when all the documents have been checked out.
  • During Operation - If on, the application window automatically refreshes after each item in the operation is processed. For example, if the user checks out a number of documents, the status and icon of each changes in the document list as each document is checked out.
Show tooltips If on, tooltips are displayed when the user's pointer is over individual items in the document list.
Show all versions When on, all versions of a document are displayed in the document list. When off, only the latest version of a document displays.


Can create When on, the user can create folders.
Can modify When on, the user can modify folders (can change the workflow/state, privileges, and so on). When off, the user can neither modify nor delete folders.
Can delete When Can delete is on and Can modify is also on, the user can delete folders. When Can delete is on and Can modify is off, or when Can delete is off, the user cannot delete folders.
Can change workflow or state When on, and when the Modify option for folders is also on, the Workflow & State tab displays in the Folder Properties dialog, enabling the user to select a different workflow to apply to the folder, or to change the workflow state of documents in the folder.
Show folder hierarchy When off, the entire Documents root folder is removed from display in the datasource.

Message Folders

Enable message polling When on, ProjectWise Explorer automatically checks if the user has a new message from another user, sent through ProjectWise Messenger.
Show message folders When on, ProjectWise Explorer displays the Global Folders folder, Inbox and Sent items for this user.
Can create When on, the user can create Global folders. To facilitate this, when you select a Global folder in the datasource list, the Create option is active on the Folder menu.
Can modify When on, the user can modify Global folders. To facilitate this, when you select a Global folder in the datasource list, the Modify option is active on the Folder menu. Turning off Can modify prevents you from deleting Global folders as well as modifying them, however, you can have modify rights without delete rights, if Can modify is on and Can delete is off.
Can delete When Can delete is on and Can modify is on, the user can delete Global folders. To facilitate this, when you select a Global folder in the datasource list, the Delete option is active on the Folder menu. When Can delete is on and Can modify is off, or when Can delete is off, the user cannot delete Global folders.
Can move When on, the user can move (drag and drop) a personal folder to a new location within the Message folder.
Can access items When on, the Global Folder displays in the datasource list.
Can modify items When on, the user can add items to and remove items from the Global folders.

Custom folders

Show custom folders When on, the Custom Folders folder displays in ProjectWise Explorer. Custom folders include your own Personal Folders, Global Folders (if you have permission to see them), and Folders of Other Users (if you have permission to see them).
Personal Folders Controls what the user can do with their personal folders.
  • Can create - When on, the user can create personal folders.
  • Can modify - When on, the user can modify personal folders.
  • Can delete - When on, the user can delete personal folders.
  • Can move - When on, the user can move personal folders to another location within the Personal Folders folder.
    Note: If the drag-and-drop method is used to move a personal folder to the Global Folders folder, or to another user's folder, the folder will be copied, not moved (if the user has sufficient privileges in the target folder).
  • Can add new items - When on, the user can add items to and remove items from their existing personal folders.
Global folders Controls what the user can do with global folders.
  • Can create - When on, the user can create global folders. To facilitate this, the Create item is available in the Folder menu.
  • Can modify - When on, the user can modify the properties of global folders. To facilitate this, the Properties item is available from the Folder menu.
  • Can delete - When on, the user can delete global folders. To facilitate this, the Delete item is available in the Folder menu.
  • Can move - When on, the user can move global folders to another location within the Global Folders folder.
    Note: If the drag-and-drop method is used to move a global folder to the Personal Folders folder, or to a another user's folder, the folder will be copied, not moved (if the user has sufficient privileges in the target folder).
  • Can add new items - When on, the user can add items to and remove items from the global folders. To facilitate this, the Add Folder…, Add Document…, Add URL… items display in the Folder menu.
  • Can see items - When on, the Global Folders folder displays in the Custom Hierarchies folder for this user.
Other Users' Folders Controls what the user can do with other users' folders.
  • Can create - When on, the user can create folders for other users.
  • Can modify - When on, the user can modify another user's folder.
  • Can delete - When Can delete and Can modify are on, the user can delete another user's folder. When Can delete is on and Can modify is off, or when Can delete is off, the user cannot delete another user's folder.
  • Can move - When on, the user can move another user's folder to another location within the selected user's folder.
    Note: If the drag-and-drop method is used to move a selected user's folder to their Personal Folders folder, or to a another user's folder in the Folders of Other Users folder, the selected folder will be copied, not moved (if the user has sufficient privileges in the target folder).
  • Can add new items - When on, the user can add items to and remove items from another user's folder. To facilitate this, the Add Folder…, Add Document…, Add URL… items display in the Folder menu.
  • Can see items - When on, the user can see other users' folders in the Custom Hierarchies folder.
Note: The permission options for the user's own folder are set in the Personal Folders settings.

Global User Lists

Can create address book list When on, the user can create global and personal mailing lists in the Address Book in ProjectWise Messenger.
Can modify address book list When on, the user can modify items in the Address Book in ProjectWise Messenger.
Can delete address book list When on, the user can delete items in the Address Book in ProjectWise Messenger.
Can create access user list
Can modify access user list
Can delete access user list

Document Creation Conflicts

A document in a folder must have a unique document and file name. The following settings help direct the user through naming conflicts if they occur when creating documents.

Document Creation Conflicts > Action

Default Action
  • Skip a document - When this action is selected, and when one or more documents attempt to enter a folder in which either a version of one of the documents already exists or a document having the same name or file name already exists, either the documents in conflict are automatically blocked from entering the folder (if Show Select An Action dialog is off), or the Select an Action dialog opens with the Skip this item option selected by default (if Show Select An Action dialog is on).
  • Create a new version - When on, and when one or more documents attempt to enter a folder in which either a version of one of the documents already exists or a document having the same name or file name already exists, either a new version of the document in conflict is automatically created in the folder (if Show Select An Action dialog is off), or the Select an Action dialog opens with the Create a new version option selected by default (if Show Select An Action dialog is on).
  • Create a new document - When on, and when one or more documents attempt to enter a folder in which either a version of one of the documents already exists or a document having the same name or file name already exists, either a new document is automatically created based on the document in conflict (if Show Select An Action dialog and Show Define Version Rules dialog are both off), or the Select an Action dialog opens with the Create a new document option selected by default (if Show Select An Action dialog is on). If the Select an Action dialog opens and Show Define Version Rules dialog is off, the new document will be created automatically when the user clicks OK in the Select an Action dialog; if the Select an Action dialog opens and Show Define Version Rules dialog is on, the Create a Document dialog opens when the user clicks OK in the Select an Action dialog. When the new document is created automatically, the settings used to create the document are under Document Creation Conflicts > New Document.
Apply same rules for all items When on, the previously selected rules apply to all documents being imported/copied. When off, the selected rule applies only to the current document.
Show Select An Action dialog When on, the Select an Action dialog opens when one or more documents attempt to enter a folder in which either a version of one of the documents already exists or a document having the same name/file name already exists, When off, the Select an Action dialog does not display, and the default action specified in this category is automatically carried out.

Document Creation Conflicts > New Version

Version string format Used to enter the default string format to be used when creating versions. The value entered here will appear in the Version string format field of the Define Version Rules dialog that opens when creating versions of logical sets, or the Create Document Version dialog that opens when a document creation conflict calls for the creation of a new version. To enter a string, expand Version string format and double-click the icon below it. The Enter Format dialog opens, in which you can type the default string format to be used, or click the Format (...) button to open the Define a Format dialog, which you can use to assist in the construction of your string format. If you leave the version string format empty, you can always enter a value when the Define Version Rules dialog or Create Version Rules dialog opens, using the steps described here.
Apply source document attributes When on, if a document creation conflict requires a new version of a document to be created, the source document's attribute sheets are added to the new document version.
Remove target document attributes When on, if a document creation conflict requires a new version of a document to be created, the target document's attribute sheets are removed from the new document version.
Apply document name of the source document When on, if a document creation conflict requires a new version of a document to be created, the document name of the source document is used for the new document version.
Apply file name of the source document When on, if a document creation conflict requires a new version of a document to be created, the file name of the source document is used for the new document version.
Show Define Version Rules dialog When on, if a document creation conflict requires a new version of a document to be created, the Create Document Version dialog opens for the user to select an action. When off, the Create Document Version dialog does not display, and the default actions specified in this category are automatically carried out.

Document Creation Conflicts > New Document

Document name format rule
  • Change name - When on, and Show Define Document Rules dialog is on, the Create a Document dialog opens to the Name tab with the Change name option on, letting the user manually change the name of the new document being created. When on, and when Show Define Document Rules dialog is off, the document will be automatically created and named using formats specified in the Document name format and File name format settings.
  • Add prefix to the old name - When on, and Show Define Document Rules dialog is on, the Create a Document dialog opens to the Name tab with the Add a prefix option on, letting the user manually specify the prefix to be added to the document name. When on, and when Show Define Document Rules dialog is off, the document will be automatically created and named using formats specified in the Document name format and File name format settings.
  • Add suffix to the old name - When on, and Show Define Document Rules dialog is on, the Create a Document dialog opens to the Name tab with the Add a suffix option on, letting the user manually specify the suffix to be added to the document name. When on, and when Show Define Document Rules dialog is off, the document will be automatically created and named using formats specified in the Document name format and File name format settings.
Document name format Used to define a standard format for naming new documents when a document creation conflict occurs in a folder. The format can be an entire name, or it can be a prefix or suffix to be added to the existing document name. Options for string formats include: upper or lower case, width, and left aligned. Options for decimal number formats include: unsigned, width, left aligned, and filled with leading zeros. If Show Define Document Rules dialog is off and there is a document creation conflict in which a new document is to be created, the new document's name will be automatically renamed using the format specified here.
File name format rule
  • Change name - When on, and Show Define Document Rules dialog is on, the Create a Document dialog opens to the File Name tab with the Change name option on, allowing the user to manually change the file name of the new document being created. When on, and when Show Define Document Rules dialog is off, the document will be automatically created and named using formats specified in the Document name format and File name format settings.
  • Add prefix to the old name - When on, and Show Define Document Rules dialog is on, the Create a Document dialog opens to the File Name tab with the Add a prefix option on, allowing the user to manually specify the prefix to be added to the document's file name. When on, and when Show Define Document Rules dialog is off, the document will be automatically created and named using formats specified in the Document name format and File name format settings.
  • Add suffix to the old name - When on, and Show Define Document Rules dialog is on, the Create a Document dialog opens to the File Name tab with the Add a suffix option on, allowing the user to manually specify the suffix to be added to the document's file name. When on, and when Show Define Document Rules dialog is off, the document will be automatically created and named using formats specified in the Document name format and File name format settings.
File name format Used to define a standard format for naming a new document's file name when a document creation conflict occurs in a folder. The format can be an entire name, or it can be a prefix or suffix to be added to the existing file name. Options for string formats include: upper or lower case, width, and left aligned. Options for decimal number formats include: unsigned, width, left aligned, and filled with leading zeros. If Show Define Document Rules dialog is off and there is a document creation conflict in which a new document is to be created, the new document's file name will be automatically renamed using the format specified here.
Apply source document attributes When on, and when Show Define Document Rules dialog is on, the Create a Document dialog opens with the Copy source document attributes option on, so that any environment attributes will be copied from the source document to the new document. When on, and when Show Define Document Rules dialog is off, then any environment attributes are automatically copied from the source document to the new document.
Show Define Document Rules dialog When on, if a document creation conflict requires a new document to be created, the Create a Document dialog does not display, and the default actions specified in this category are automatically carried out.

Audit Trail

  • Show private actions - When on, the user can include the user's own actions in an audit trail report.
  • Show actions of other users - When on, the user can include other users' actions in an audit trail report.
  • Allow for check in - When on, the user is prompted to enter comments when checking in or importing previously exported documents. When off, users are not prompted to enter comments upon check in or import.
  • Allow for export - When on, the user is prompted to enter comments when exporting documents. When off, users are not prompted to enter comments upon export.
  • Allow for version change - When on, the user is prompted to enter comments when creating new versions of documents. When off, the user is not prompted to enter comments when new versions are created.
  • Allow for state change - When on, the user is prompted to enter comments when changing the state of documents. When off, the user is not prompted to enter comments when changing the state of documents.
  • Allow for final status change - When on, the user is prompted to enter comments when setting final status on documents. When off, users are not prompted to enter comments when setting final status on documents.
  • Require where allowed - When on, comments are required for any of the actions above that are set to allow comments. When off, comments are only optional for any of the actions above that are set to allow comments. When comments are required for an action, the user will not be able to continue with the action until a comment is entered.
  • Can delete records — If on, the user can delete audit trail records from the database. The Delete Audit Trail item is added to the Folder and Document menus for that user.
Show Audit Trail tab in Document properties When on, the Audit Trail tab displays on the Document Properties dialog.
Show Audit Trail tab in Folder properties When on, the Audit Trail tab displays on the Folder/Work Area Properties dialog.

Managed Configuration

Can edit personal configuration variables
Show datasource level options If on, the Workspace tab on the Folder Properties dialog or Document Properties dialog contains two options for Workspace Type: Managed and Workspace Profile. When this setting is off, only the Workspace Profile option is available.
Show personal configuration tab If on, the Personal Workspace tab displays on the User Properties dialog in ProjectWise Explorer.
Export relative path errors handling
  • Prompt user
  • Fail on error
  • Ignore invalid relative path errors

Work Area

Can create and upgrade from folders If on, the user can create work areas by selecting Folder > New Work Area, and can turn a regular folder into a work area by selecting the folder and selecting Folder > Upgrade to Work Area.
Can change types and properties If on, the user can change the work area type of a work area or modify custom work area properties.
Can delete If on, the user can delete work areas, or convert a work area and into a regular folder by selecting a work area and selecting Folder > Revert to Folder.